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E-commerce features

CoreConnect offers a comprehensive set of user-facing e-commerce features out of the box. These features are designed to enhance the shopping experience and streamline the online retail process. Here’s a concise overview of the supported features:

HomepageProduct typesBasic product infoRemove / change quantityAddress formSignup, signinBasic wish listPaged resultsOrder confirmation pageOverviewSolvency check
Landing pagesBasic free text searchAdd to cartPrice calculationSelect payment methodForgot & set passwordMultiple wish listsSearch filtersOrders detailDetailTiered pricing/quantity
BlogFaceted filteringAdd to listLink cart to account on loginSelect payment methodAddress bookOrder from wishlistSorting selectionOrders overviewMin/max order value
Multi-languageBrowse categoriesProduct variant / option selectVouchersPre-paid method flowAccount language settingsCorrections/synonymsPartial deliveryMin-max order quantity
Corporate content pagesBrand browsingImage galleryMinimal order valueInvoice address formCommunication settingsIncremental searchStatus messagesPayment terms
Service pagesMultiple product catalogsDetail product infoConditional discountsPayment confirmation e-mailType aheadReturn flowsConfigurable saved-basket expiration
Job opportunity pagesRecently viewedSelect delivery methodRanking logicCredit limit check
Campaign pagesAvailable-to-promiseSlot prices
Delivery lead timePost-paid method flow
Product bundlesTrack and trace messages
Select pick-up
Slot select
  • Content: Includes homepage, landing pages, blog, and multi-language support.
  • Browse: Enables browsing categories, faceted filtering, and brand browsing.
  • Product Detail Page (PDP): Provides basic product info, product variant/option select, and image gallery.
  • Cart: Supports adding/removing items, price calculation, and linking cart to account on login.
  • Checkout: Facilitates address form completion, selecting payment methods, and payment confirmation emails.
  • Account: Offers user signup, signin, forgot/set password functionality, and an address book.
  • Favorites: Allows users to create and manage wish lists, including basic and multiple wish lists.
  • Search: Basic free text search, search filters, and sorting selection.
  • Orders: Provides order confirmation page, order overview, and orders detail.
  • Invoices: Offers invoice address form and invoice overview.
  • B2B: Semisupported features include orders detail, orders overview, and detail.

Explore the full list of supported features for a detailed overview.